Saturday 21 April 2012


  •  The heat of vaporization of water is expressed as the calories absorbed per  gram of vaporized water.

  •  It is a bond by which amino acids are linked together. It is formed by amino group of one amino acid and carboxyl group of the adjacent one.

  •  The temperature of the remaining 998 ml of water will be lowered by 1 C. 
  •  Anabolism is the sum of reactions in which simpler substances are chemically combined to form complex substances. Catabolism is the sum of reactions in which complex substances are broken down to simpler ones so as to release energy.

  • The water molecules give rise to H+ and OH ions.
  • How are the four bonds arrangzed when a carbon atom combines with four atoms or radicals of some other elements?
  •  The four bonds are arrangedsymmetrically in a tetraheddron.

  • The percentage of water in human bone cells is 20% and in brain cells is 85%.

  • The specific heat capacity of water means the number of calories required to raise the temperature of one gram of water to 1 C.

  •  The micromolecules of cellulose are glucose molecules; of Fat are fatty acids and of protein are the amino acids.

  • carbon is the basic organic componds..

  • The covalent bond stores large amount of energy. 

  •  The amount of water in different organisms varies from 65 to 89 percent.

  •  A reaction between a compond and water, Particularly the one involving H+ and OH ions is called hydrolysis.

  •  Substrate is the substance on which enzyme acts


  • Substrate is the non-living material on which an  organism lives or grows.

  • Prosthetic group is the non-protein part of an enzyme which is covalently bonded to the proteins (enzyme).

  • The Co-enzyme is the non-protein part (co-factor_ of an enzyme, if it is an organic compound.

  •  The detachable co-factor is known as an activator, if it is an inorganic ion.

  •  Active site is the small protein of the enzyme to which is its catalytic activity restricted.

  •  The enzyme is a proteinaceous compound that catalyses biochemical reactions.

  • The Biochemical reactions would operate but at such a show speed that life would be impossible.

  •  some enzyme require a co-factor for their proper functioning.

  •  The define regions are the binding site and the catalytic site.
  •  The enzymes are found in the mitochondria.

  •  An enzyme whose cofactor has been removed, rendering it catalytically inactive is known as an Apoenzyme. When Apoenzyme is combined with its co-enzyme, it forms a Holoenzyme (Complete enzyme).

  • The cofactor is a non-protein substance that helps an enzyme to carry out its activity.

  •  The active  site of the enzyme is a threee dimensional cavity bearing a specific charge by which the enzyme reacts with its substrate.

  •  The increase in the substrates PH, temperature and concentration within certain limits increases the rate of operation of the enzyme.

  •  Robert Hooke used the word "Cell" in living beings in 1665.

  • This was said by a German Physician  Rudolp Virchow.

  • Lamarck said in 1809 "No body can have life, if its constituent parts are not cellular tissue or are not formed by cellular tissue.

  •  Egg of the ostrich is the largest cell in this world.
  •  Phloem cells transport food in plants.

  • The sclarenchymatous cell provide support  to plants.

  • The cell is the unit of the structure and functions of the body organization of the living beings.

  •  The living things are chemical organization composed of cells and capable of reproducing themselves.

  • All organisms are composed of one or more cells.
    All cells arises from preexisting cells.
    Cell is the basis structural as well as functional unit for all organisms.

  •  Virus can  be defined as a non-cellular infectious entity which contains either RNA or DNA normally encared in protein coat and reproduces only in living hos   t cells.

  • .The scientific names of onion is allium cepa: of amaltas is cassia fistula : of man is Homo sapiens:of potato is solanum tuberosum and of tomato is solanum esculentun.

  • .Edward jenner introduced the technique of vaccination in 1796.

  • The ate the phylum class, order , family genus and species.

  • The viruses that live as parasites in the becteria are called bacteriophages.

  • The first part of the scientific name represents the genus and the second part represents.


  • The firs part of the scientific name is the generic name and the second part is the specific name.
  • Species is a group of individuals which resemble with one another and can freely breed among themselves in nature to produce fertile offspring.

  • Kingdom Monera includes prokaryotic unicellular organisms such as bacteria.

  • Robert whittaker distinguished fungi as a separate and independent kingdom in 1969.
  •  Rabies is a madness disease which is transmitted to human beings by the bite of rabid dogs, foxes, cats, bats and some other animals.

  • Robert Koch formulated "green theory of disease".
  • Some members of the genus Mycoplasma are the smallest bacteria which are about 100 to 200 nanometer  in diameter.
  •  These are the Cocci . bacilli and spiral.
  • The bacteria which exist in a variety of shapes are known as polymorphic.

  •  The arrangements are diplococcus, streptococcus, tetrad , sarcina and staphylococcus.

  •  The arrangement is called diplobacillus when bacilli occur in pair.

  • The examples of cocci are diplococcus pneumoniae and staphulococcus aurous whereas those of bacilli are Escherichia coli, Bacillus Subtilis and pseudomonas.

  •  The Vibro is curved or comma shaped rod;  spirillum as spiral while spirochete is a thin flexibel spiral.

  • The name Epulopisium Fishelsoni, it size is 600 um by 80 um.

  • The Bactria are found in the air, on land,  in the soil, in water in oil deposits, in decaying organic matter and in the bodies of plants, animals and man.

  •  The are the preparation of vaccines for the diseases anthrax, fowl cholera and rabies (hydrophobia) introduced of pasteurization process and development of fermentation industries.
  • The ciliates have two kinds of nuclei smaller one or more diploid micronuclei and a larger polyploid macronucleus. The former function is sexual process and the letter control cell metabolism and growth.

  •  Green algae are the ancestors of green plants.

  • The zooflagellates may be free living symbionts or parasites.
  •  Plasmodium is a feeding stage of slime mould which is in the form of a multinucleate mass of cytoplasm that can grow to 30 cm.
  •  Some red algae incorporated calcium carbonate in their cell  walls from the ocean and take part in building coral reefs along with coral animals.
  • The giant amocbas get energy From methanogenic (which from merhane) bacteria while live within their bodies.

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