Tuesday 10 April 2012


 REFERENCE: These lines have been taken from the poem, "THE  MEN OF LIFEUPRIGHT", written by Thomas Campion.

context:            The poem is simple in language but packed with deepest meaning. The words are beautifully chosen and are related to the subject. A noble man owns virtues of body and soul. He is honest, simple, sincere and religious. He leads strictly honourable and honest life. He seeks guidance from heaven and keeps himself away from the worldly wishes.

    The man of life upright  ; whose guiltless heart is free 
From all the dishonest deeds ; or thought of vanity.

EXPLANATION: A noble man leads a very perfect and honest life. He is honest and straight forward. He deals in honest and just way. There is no guilt in his heart. There is not a slightest touch of vanity in him. He believes in simplicity.
               The man whose silent days ; In harmless joys are spent
                Whom hopes cannot delude ; Nor sorrow discontent

EXPLANATION: A noble  man passes his peaceful life in his harmless joys. He believes in honest means and is satisfied with the simple delights of life. He does not think beyond his means. Thus the hopes can not betray him and the sorrows can not discontent him. He believes in small sorrows and small joys.

                    That man neither towers ; nor armour for defence
                     Nor secret vaults to fly   ; From thunder's violence.

EXPLANATION: A noble man has no lust of money. He does not dream of palaces. He does not need any weapon for protection. He does not need underground rooms to take refuge from the troubles of sky. He has the fear of God and so the has no other fear. He does not believe in protective measures.

                  He only can behold ; With unaffrightened eyes
                  The horrors of the deep ; And the terrors of the skies.

EXPLANATION: A noble man watches all the changes of the world with his fearless eyes. He is not afraid of death. He is ready to welcome his end with smiling face. He has a strong faith in God and thus he is no more afraid of the horrors of the sea and the terrors of the skies. He submits himself to the will of God.  

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